V2 NFT Marketplace + CumFarm update

2 min readJul 7, 2021

Dear CumRocketeers, we haven’t updated you as much recently as we were intently focusing on V2. We have a lot of updates for you this week!

From now on, there WILL be news updates on Medium every Sunday. Also, every other day, we WILL have the voice chat open for anyone to talk with the team for informal AMA’s (in the telegram)!! Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8PM UTC! If there’s no questions we will be in there talking for a while with you guys anyway (15/20 min or so sessions) 😊

V2 NFT Marketplace: Testing with the first group is going well and we have been getting plenty of useful feedback! They have been testing authentication, the KYC process and minting NFTs so far. We are working with them to tweak and fix snags before the next groups! Eventually each creator group will take less and less time, as we approach the refined product ready for the open BETA! 🔥

After the first group has completely finished testing we can show you a short video of their experience! Also, once we have gone through most of the creator groups we will be able to release a date for the open BETA, we will keep you updated. 📆

CumFarm: We are still deciding how best to deal with the drops in farmed tokens caused by the reshuffling of rewards. In the meantime, we re-applied for PancakeSwap farms — will let you know if/when they reply! 🍯

PLUS we refilled the farm full of rewards! 🎊

You may have notice the wording change from ‘CUMMIES earned’ to ‘Estimated Rewards’ as CUMMIES are not yours until you harvest them. We encourage everyone to harvest every 3 days or so (if it is financially viable) as a result. For those that it’s not financially viable for, we hear you, and we are working with the third-party developer to try and improve this, we will let you know once we have a solution! For the time being, starting tomorrow, we are INCREASING THE CUMFARM REWARD RATE by 25%!

We really appreciate everyone who has supported the project by providing liquidity, thank you so much!! ❤️

So remember, informal voice chat on Telegram at 8PM UTC (if you have any questions or just want to hang with the community!) 😊




CumRocket ($CUMMIES) is a revolutionary deflationary token that is centered around the adult entertainment industry. https://cumrocket.io